Sick just in time for the weekend.

March 18, 2011 § 2 Comments

I haven’t posted much this week because I’ve been trying to fight off a cold. I really hate being sick – especially on the weekend because it takes away from fun adventures Don & I could be going on. But alas, it is Friday and my head feels like a balloon. I probably should have taken it easy after I felt it coming on on Monday, but since I’m stubborn I continued to run like scheduled (even managing to run 6 miles at a 8:25 mile pace) but I consequently now feel like crapola.

This morning I went to a job fair and it left me wondering why job fairs aren’t obsolete at this point. All they do is tell you to go to their website – one “recruiter” even told me that I was old school for bringing paper copies of my resume. All in all I am concluding that job fairs are a waste of time.

Hopefully I’ll get over this cold soon because it sure is putting me in a funky mood.

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