My Cheerleader

May 5, 2011 § 4 Comments

My Mom, my cheerleader.

Look at these goodies I received in the mail today from the best Mama ever. I bet you can guess which one is my favorite. I am so lucky to have such a supportive, encouraging family who have always cheered me on no matter what crazy endeavors I’ve attempted.

Talking about my supportive family reminds me of the day I decided to move away for college (only 3 hours from my hometown mind you) and how I felt so torn between leaving my family and going off to pursue something I felt passionate about. It almost seems like a joke now because I live a literal ocean away from my family and instead of a 3 hour road trip, it takes a 12 hr plane ride to get back home. My family has grown roots in Bradenton, Florida for generations. On my Mom’s side I was really the first one to truly “leave the nest” and even leaving for Orlando seemed like a huge deal. But as hard as it was for me to leave  I will never doubt that my family wants me to live my best life, and their constant reminder of that has given me the confidence to pursue things like getting my Masters degree & running a marathon.

In other news I’ve come across a few blog posts that I found really interesting & if you’re a runner, I think you might too:

Anyone come across any new bookmark worthy blogs lately?

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